Saturday, February 7, 2009

Walmart Zombies

You've seen them. Hands with a death grip on their shopping cart. I fixed straight ahead. Roaming the isles and stopping systematically to put items in the cart, half zombie half robot like. Answering the subliminal messages that that big smiley face sends out to them. MUST..SPEND...ALL...OUR ...MONEY...ON...WORTHLESS...JUNK...MADE...IN...COMMUNIST CHINA. You can sometimes hear them mumbling under their breath. Walmart is a scary place to me. I hate to even step in the door of that place. I had to get my medicine today, I usually always get it filled at my local Kroger. They were out and I had to venture in to Zombie Mart to get what I had to have. While waiting for them to fill my meds, I listened to three people talk about how much they were selling their pain pills for. They seemed rather proud of the fact that they were making a good second income from their medicine that Medicare was paying for. They too were of course..Zombies. I watched and listened in amazement at the actions of the people in there. It was in one way pretty funny, in another pretty scary. Even in the parking lot they were ever present. Nearly driving over top of people to get a parking spot close to the door. I could see that I was surrounded by Zombies everywhere. I was happy when my name was called so I could get out of there. Next time, if there is one, I will take silver bullets, a wooden stake and a cross. Not sure if any of these work on Walmart Zombies but it's worth a try. If you have to go to Walmart be aware that they are everywhere they. Please be careful. To see a video of Walmart Zombies be sure to watch the video below.


Gen-IL Homesteader said...

3 people were talking about how much they were selling their meds for? 3 adults? Good grief, that kind of thing makes me crazy! Especially if the gov't (aka us!) is paying for it! Rrrrrrr!

kymber said...

what a horrible experience! i hate that place too!
Next time you have to go to Zombie Mart - make sure to wear garlic bulbs around your neck as well!

Christy said...

I can't stand the way the people treat their kids there. So much yelling and often spanking. It makes me crazy!

Anonymous said...

The pill thing doesn't surprise me. The thing that really makes me mad though, is the pharmacy and the doctors have to know this is going on. Do they really think one guy needs 8 refills of Oxycontin every week?

They Pharmacy is not much different than the drug dealer on the corner. They keep records of how much is sold so they have to know they are part of the problem

Marie said...

As much as I don't like the fact that people are selling their meds because it's just plain wrong, and dangerous, I wonder why they have to do so--"extra" money or money just to survive? When you have to choose between your health and being able to feed you and/or your family, that seems pretty desperate...
Hope you have a better experience next time!

warren said...

I was at ours at 11pm over the weekend and it was insane...packed! It was really creepy too...zombies is a good word for it!

Melissa said...

What a great analogy of the Walmart Zombies! I wish they would all just wake up!

I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

I go sometimes - takek my list - Comando in and out... I go in through Lawn and Garden and check out there too - it helps me to avoid the NUTS!

What I hate is being there at 10:00 p.m. and seeing people with little kids. Kids are crying and the idiot parents dont seem to understand why! BECAUSE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASLEEP 3 HOURS AGO, I want to yell and maybe clonk the parents upside their heads!

Whew - didnt know I would go off like that...


ChristyACB said...

That is too hilarious! Yes, they are like Zombies.

And I've heard the medicine scam openly spoken of there too, and I know the pharmacist could hear it!

What is even better is watching a welfare card used to pay for a bunch of junk food and then having them sell it to the person their with for some cash before they even leave the line!

Walmart brings in just the RIGHT sort of people, doesn't it?

TEAM HALL said...

Unfortunately, you'll find them EVERYWHERE you go!! lol Time to pull up the drawbridge Bud! Set the gators loose in the moat. Can you believe this: 2 weeks ago I found a honkin good deal on vinegar so I bought 12 big jugs. First the checkout chick grilled me about owning a restaurant and when I said it was for canning purposes...she wanted to know what "canning" was! Hooboy!

The Scavenger said...

Good, I was starting to think that maybe it was just that had seem the Zombies. Glad to know I'm not alone out here. lol

Thank you all for your coments. I guess you can tell by this post that there's not much going on on the farm. Try to get you an entertaining post soon, I promise.


DayPhoto said...

Our oldest daughter was raised on the farm, left and went to Denver. There she became ....Cityfied.

She is home now, but I see the zombie action, although she is losing it, a little bit every day.


Phill said...

Awesome post - and I was so happy to have found your blog through Peggy at Hidden Haven! Zombies indeed. Yikes. They scare me. We call them "The Pod People."

scoutinlife said...

Walmart same packed with the mindless buying so much china junk and stuff that will often just break.....

WrethaOffGrid said...

Hmmm Christy, maybe the yelling thing is bad, but I never see enough spanking, now days people are either afraid to spank (in public) for fear of someone calling 911 to turn you in for child abuse, or they don't spank at all and end up with sociopath brats with no concept of right and wrong... "no honey, put that down, no you can't eat that candy, stop hitting your sister, come back here, NOW, I said NO, put that back, STOP IT NOW..." the whole time the brat is doing what they damn well please with that irritating smirk on their face, or worse, screaming like they were being tortured all while running down the isle or laying on the floor having a fit until mom gives in....AARRRRGGGGG!

Spanking (not beating), used correctly, is effective and NOT child abuse.

Thank God I don't have to deal with that very often, I live in an extremely small community with very few kids, and the ones that are here are very well behaved. Did I mention that I hate Walmart, Sams, any place where the zombies shop?

Mary Humphrey said...

I only go to Wally World when it is a must, usually the once a month prescription day. Creeps me out. Each time I shop at WM, I feel as if I am killing off another part of America. Cris, the email address you left for the newsletter isn't working. Let me know if you have another address you want me to use. Thanks.