Here is a little trick that I use to help keep the house cool. At night I open a few windows, not all of them, just a few on the north side of the house. I then place a window fan in a window on the south side of the house. This fan is blowing air out not in. By doing it this way you are pulling the cool air into the house from the other windows. The key to it working just right is, of course a rather cool night and closing all the windows the next morning thus keeping the cool air in. I close all blinds or curtains on the east and south side of the house to keep the sun from coming in and warming the warm too. This little trick helps keep the house pretty nice until late evening and I sometimes don't use any air condition until 5 or 6 o'clock. Keeps you cool and saves you a little money on your electric bill too. Hope this helps some of you.
Our first robin arrived today
21 hours ago
Thanks for the tip. I keep my window open and it stays a lot cooler.
Kentucky Preppers Network
I use this technique every summer. It definately works!
Thanks for the timely tip, my friend. Always looking for a way to "keep my cool!"...
Good suggestions. Any tips to save money on the electric bill are always very appreciated!
in the house I grew up in, we had an attic fan, that old thing worked great throughout my childhood.
Great tip buddy - thanks for sharing!
Growing up we used to do this trick too...before anyone couldafford a/c!
Thanks everyone for your comments. I hope this info was valuable to someone out there. Thanks again for stopping by.
Good to hear from you, Scavenger! Thanks for the tip!
...late post i know,but using this method works !...been doing it for years,yeterday and today were the first days of the year to use my AC...was hard to get started but my light bill is half everyone elses...and here in mississippi,that means so much...great post Brother
I do this myself. Open windows all night with the "chimney" method to move the air in and out and close everything up early in the moring with shades down. Works well for us.
I also try not to cook after noon because of the heat...which takes some planning but helps a bunch.
Many Blessings :)
It was so nice to catch up on your blog today! i do the same with our house, we are lucky we are on a hill and always have a nice breeze, sometimes a hot one, but air moving hot or not is better than none, we also have some great shade trees, really helps!
So how are thinks there in London KY? Anyone else on your blog roll from Kentucky, AND since we are in the same state do you know of ANYONE selling dairy goats...we are having a heck of a time finding some!
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