I can hardly believe it has been a year since I have posted on this blog. Life has been ( and seems to continue to be ) very crazy over the last year. I am trying to settle down and find peace in my life and to continue on my path to a simpler life. I've just not had much to say in quite some time that is worth repeating to others. Nothing to inspire or give meaning of any kind to anyone. Things are ok here at the farm but life could be much better. Even writing these few words I feel that I may be bringing others down in some way or another.
Just a little post to hello to all of you out there...I have missed you.
Hoping to be back soon,
Our first robin arrived today
16 hours ago
wow buddy, it's great to see you back!
Glad to see you back. The simple life is a hard but blessed one. Thinking of you and hope you have a blessed day.
Thank you very much I hope to be back to posting soon.
Chris!!!!! So glad to hear from you again. You're not going to bring anyone down by posting. Life can be rough--ups and downs. We all go through it. Hang in there! Know that all your 'friends' have missed you and we're glad to hear from you!!
Gen, thank you so much for that. I have seen you blogging of some of the prepper sites..Glad to see you blogging, you have a lot of good info to share.
Thank you my friend.
Good to see you back Chris!
sooo glad to have you back my awesome buddy - i have missed you sooo much!
and i understand how you feel - i have been letting some of life's not so good experiences bring me down lately - there's just been so much happening since my surgery in march and i feel that my health is just not bouncing back and then there is so much to do in the garden and then i feel bad for letting the network down....
and then i remember that the network is always there for me, always understands when i disappear for a while, and all my good buddies always cheer me right back up!
you can't bring us down! we are here for you! and sooo glad yer back!
(this used to be my favourite blog in the world - not trying to add any pressure. oh and you better check out all of the APN forum posts that you missed and catch up on those too. then - don't you have a couple of posts for the CPN to do? bahahahahhah! oh just teasin ya cuz i am sooo glad that you are back!)
Molly, thank you very much.
Kymber, your comment means the world to me and I hope you know that. Wishing you a speedy recovery and I have missed you too. Hope to get back on track soon, life is taking it's toll on me I tell ya, too much stress. But I bring it on myself..LOL Good to hear from you and hope to get your favorite blog in the world back up to speed someday soon. Thank you so much my dear friend.
I have to agree with Kymber. This blog had always been one of my favorites!!! No pressure, though, just letting you know how I feel! You always had great informative, down-to-earth, enjoyable, real-life posts! Hang in there, buddy!!
Gen, you girls are the best friends a guy could ask for. Thank you so much for all your kind words. You are appreciated !!!
Glad to see a post from you--always check your blog periodically, and just figure if the blog is still here, you just must be reallllly busy! I think your blog was one of the first I ever left a comment on, so I'm not going to let a little time between posts stop me from seeing if there's anything new... :) Take care, and thanks for posting!
Marie, thank you for your comment and it's good to see that time has no limits in our friendship. Thank you very much.
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