Well, we ran out of laundry detergent today and I thought I would whip up a batch that I had seen on a blog that I read often. Cath posted how to make it and I referred back to the post before I went to town to pick up the ingredients. God, I hate to have to leave the farm for anything, just don't care much for the outside world anymore at all. Too busy for me. Anyhow I got my goods and once back home mixed them just like Cath said. Wow, it works great !! I had made some once before that was a liquid soap and I just didn't care for it. It worked ok, but was kinda clumpy. This batch is a keeper for sure. Thanks Cath for the inspiration, seems reading blogs is where most of mine come from these days. Speaking of which, Cath has a new blog where she has come out of the closet about her food storage activities. I think she came out of the closet so she could make some more room for her massive canned food supplies. Anyhow, check out her new blog with pantry pictures for all of us food storage lovers. She and Big Daddy have a pretty nice set up looks like to me. It's worth your time to check it out just to see the cabin where she and Big Daddy and the kids hang out on long weekends. Give 'em a look, your gonna love that cabin... I do....
The sun’s out and the birds are singing
1 day ago
Wow! I LOVE that cabin! (the new blog, Cath) So, they just stay there on weekends? Did they build or buy it like that? It's gorgeous!! I've tried that laundry soap recipe and the one where you melt all ingredients and add water. (the later is the one I'm using now.) I read your comment on her site regarding the '20 mule team'. I'd always wondered what that meant! Cath does have a great looking pantry! Thanks for the link...I might have a new blog to replace Ron's :-( Gen--IL Homesteader
BTW, I love the new picture! (especially since we know the story behind it!) Gen--IL Homesteader
Thanks for the link to the recipe for laundry soap. I know what you mean I hate to leave the farm too, especially this time of year when the stores are so crowded.
and have you priced store-bought laundry detergent? If I buy the cheap stuff, I'm itching all over, so I have to buy one of the more expensive brands.
I'm going to print the recipe out and give it a try.
I'm envious of y'all that get to work from home, Mike and I have to both work away from home because we need the income and the health ins. Maybe one day we'll get to enjoy the good life at home.
Gen, I Think Cath updated the new blog with more info about the cabin. I wonder what ever happend to our buddy Ron? Wish he would check in. Glad you like the new picture, I love that old house.
Shiloh, your welcome, try it, you'll like. And yes I hate to leave this time of year, really, I just hate to leave anytime.
Joanna, it's great soap and it's easy on the budget and the skin too. I hope you can get to stay home soon. It is a blessing for sure. I know what ya mean about the income, gotta have it.
Thanks for all the comments,
I look forward to reading more of your posts- new and archived.
You are out there living the life i dream of-- and am diligently working toward. i understand it aint easy; neither is working a fast-food shack to make payments on land and save for a travel trailer... give me the former (homestead/farm) ANY DAY.
i'll visit again-- right mow gonna shoot to ASK JACKIE! i'm excited; been a fan of hers from years ago when all i had to keep the dream alive was "Backwoods Home"! nice to have computer access now, and to have found her there! fast as i can, i'll join yall...
Cygnus, wow, thanks for stopping by man. Sounds like you have a plan, well that's were it starts. Keep the dream alive and you will find yourself there some day. Jackie's blog is really cool as is Backwoods Home. Try to find a copy of CountrySide Magazine, you'd love it too. Thanks for stopping by and keep us all up to date on your progress.
I checked out the laundry soap instructions, and that will probably end up in my preparedness notebook--thanks for the heads up on that and the blog--that cabin is definitely pretty cool. I keep hoping I'll see Ron comment somewhere too, but if he at least is reading the comments, he'll know that he's missed...thanks again for pointing out more info!
Yeah, I hope all is well with Ron. I'm missing his posts. Your blog and his are my two favorites. I've been enjoying your more frequent posts! Thanks much! BTW, I forgot to say how much I enjoyed Amy's new blog! I LOVE old stuff (my mom always says I was born in the wrong century), so it was fun to browse through her old stuff! Kinda' Like walking through an antique store and drooling over everything! Thanks for the link! Gen--IL Homesteader
Gen, I miss Ron too, hope he gets back up soon. Amy's place is really nice. I love old stuff and she has got plenty of it. Thanks and I'm glad you enjoy my posts, gonna try to get another up soon.
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