We have had plenty of rain the last 2 days. Tonight, Thursday, well it's early Friday morning as I post this, it turned to a wet snow. We have around 2 to 3 inches on the ground now. I love snow and had to take a few pictures for you all. These were taken while standing with the front door open, using only the camera's flash. Some droopy pine trees. In the last picture you can see Katie's Tree house/Swing Set and some of Smokie's footprints in the snow.
We’re in the icebox now
1 day ago
yay rah, LOL. Really, I love snow but am still glad it's in Ky and not in Il. I did look out the window tho just to be sure!
LOL, did it scare you thinking that you may see some out your window too. hehe!! We love it.
Isn't it pretty? While I don't care for the cold, the snow is beautiful! Funny, mmpaints doesn't have any--we've got a few inches already! Gen--IL Homesteader
Ahhhhhhh, just lovely! Now get up here and help me shovel the several feet of fluffy white goodness out of my driveway!! lol
Here in the NC Appalachians, we're having the same weather pattern that you are. Weatherman had been calling for ice but for the most part that didn't happen.
Yeah the puppies found good homes. I have three non-shedding dogs, Irish Terriers, which is good because they sleep in the bed with us. They never have flea's either.
Nice pictures, new fallen snow is so pretty.
Thanks a lot...you sent that junk our way!
Gen, I love it too. If is could just stay around 75 and snow that would be great.
Cath, you got several feet?? You lucky dog. I'll be there to help shovel, go ahead and start on it though, I may be a while. hehe!!
Joanna, hope you got some of this pretty stuff too. The pups will be missed but not too bad.. lol
Shilo, It's so pretty I hate to walk in it and mess it all up. Got to get down to the goats though, ya know.
Warren, sent some just for Charleston. I know they keep the streets clear there for you. lol
Thanks for all the comments, now I have to go and cut a tree that has fallen across the driveway. Maybe I'll just leave it so we can all stay home.
Gen, I'm way down in the south east corner of Il and we always miss the stuff that goes thru on an angle. I love snow( born and raised in Chicago) but I'm sure not complaining about the lack of it!
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