I found a few green beans on the plants today. These guys must have grown over night. I can't wait to pick a mess.
Acorn squash is on the move. They just sat there for weeks with no growth and then just all of a sudden, BAM !!!
This little guy popped up the other day in the compost pile, not sure what it is. I'll just leave it and see what we get.
More maters waiting their turn to hit the ground running. Some came from the compost pile while others I started from seed. This way I get late maters after my others have run their course.
Here is one of the tubs I mentioned in an earlier post. These things are 24 inches across and 18 inches deep. This one I put the water from the air conditioner. I can get 3 to 4 gallons a day this way for free, well not really free but it beats letting it just run on the ground.
Being the Scavenger that I am, I found these panes of glass at the recycling center. I ask one of the workers there and he said to help myself to them. They will be used to rework the greenhouse this fall.
Your plants look so happy! I'm a bit jealous, this being the first year I have planted where I am, and at this higher elevation, I waited longer to plant than I used to have to, my plants are doing great, but they aren't as big as yours. :) Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the pictures. I'd love to see pics of the greenhouse! Gen--IL Homesteader
Wretha, Thanks so much. I love my garden and spend time with it EVERY day. Have some back problems that keep me from doing all that I want to do, but with the garden I just grin and bare it.
Gen, Glad you like the pictures. You can see the greenhouse by looking at the lables to the right hand side of the blog. Just click on greenhouse and you should be able to see the pictures. I made it on the cheap using scavenged lumber and rolls of plastic. I plan to re-do the whole thing this fall with the glass I scavenged.
Thanks to all,
Loved the pictures, Chris! I didn't realize that you had a whole herd of cattle. :) I love spending time in the garden every day too... it's amazing how much changes overnight.
Thanks for the picture of the potato bug... I'll be on the lookout for those nasties. :)
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