I woke this morning with the thoughts of my first task at hand, those %#$# potato bugs. I killed one early on in the season and 10,000 have come daily to pay their respect. (And never leave) I pick those vine eating monsters off by the 100's each and every day. We are really trying to raise an organic garden with NO pestisides but man those tater bugs are about to get my goat as the saying goes. I have sprayed them many times with a dish liquid and water solution and they seem to love it. I can almost hear them laughing as they float along in the suds of the spray. If I had any hair I would be pulling it out by the handfuls. Not really, if I had a head full of hair I would rule the world. Anyhow that is how my day starts, planning my attack on my Arch Enemy, thoses &%#$%#$ tater bugs. Any suggestions on how to get rid of these MONSTERS?? Help me, PLEASE.
We’re above 40 degrees F today
17 hours ago
I've never actually seen one of those things in real life, and I hope I never do! I had read that beans planted with potatoes causes them to repel each other's pests... that won't help now though! I had planned on planting beans with the potatoes when my peas died off, but the peas refuse to die... so now I have my fingers crossed!
Try catching some of those bugs, grinding them up, add water, seive and put into spray bottle. I know it sounds gross but it works for most insects.
Or try the old garlic, chilli and onion spray. Boil them all together, strain and bottle. One part boiled liquid to 2 parts tap water.
Hope it helps
Ron, You are a very lucky farmer to not have seen these bugs. I wish I could say the same.
Woody, Don't think that idea hasn't crossed my mind. I want them all to BURN !!!!
Molly, that sounds like a great idea, I would have never thought of it. I will be grinding me some tater bugs today, with a smile on my face I might add, and making some tater bug juice. Thanks so much.
I don't know if you are willing to use organic pesticides; some people don't want to spray anything but Pyola is a very effective natural spray I use. I posted about this recently when everybody freaked out when they thought I was spraying chemicals. Pyola is basically canola oil and pyrethrins and it works, even against Japanese beetles. I order it from Gardens Alive. One pint makes many gallons and usually lasts me all summer. the ground up bugs may work though; I've read about that before.
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