My neighbor that brought the cuke's a few weeks ago ask if I would like to can his green beans for half of the crop. I thought that would be great for both of us, he doesn't have the time and he is a really good friend too, plus he is Liv's uncle and the one who let us use his tractor. I would do just about anything for him anyway. I canned 35 qts. on Tues. and Wed. I canned 29 more for a total of 64 qts. all together. I must say it was a LOT of work as anyone who has done much canning can tell you but worth it just the same. I now have 32qts. of beans that I didn't have to go through the trouble of raising. I have plenty in the garden but it's hard for me to turn them down on a deal like this. Plus it was a big help to him also which makes me feel a little better to. We both seem to come out on the deal. Some friends say that they would not do it for half. (These friends don't have any beans either I might add ) But for me it was a fair deal. He also ask if I was interested in doing the same when his corn comes in. I'm sure I will, like I say I have plenty of beans and corn growing of my own, but I have the time to take advantage of helping others and myself by canning on the half's as we call it around here. Is this something that you would do?? If you don't have room or time for a garden but have time at night or whenever to can maybe you can see if anyone in your area is interested in canning on the half's. Here is a picture of the first 35 qts. canned. Neighbor supplied his own canning jars and lids.
We’re above 40 degrees F today
10 hours ago
I would do it! I am trying to learn to garden, but so far my results are spotty at best. Just think of all those hours you didn't have to spend in the hot sun digging in the dirt, watering and harvesting.
Ya done good! I'm really impressed! Canning is a lot of work - very satisfying, but work nonetheless.
I would definitely do it! In fact, years ago my sister's neighbor planted too big of a garden, so I helped her weed all summer long and then we canned together and split the goods. It worked out great. Obviously, I did a little more work than just the canning, but the garden was by her, so she saw it more and did more than I did. With all of the food you've got on hand now, it was definitely worth it. We never know what will come in the future so we should "make hay while the sun shines"! BTW, that WAS alot of work! Great job! (I got 5 PINTS the other day!!:-)) Hehehe...Gen--IL Homesteader
Anonymous #1, Gardening is a lot of trial and error on my part too. I try alot of different things to see which ones work best for me. Thanks for the pat on the back, we cn all use one now and then.
Anonymous #2, you guys need to come up with some kinda name.hehe!! I always have to look to make sure I'm spelling anonymous right. Thanks, planting a garden together would be great if the workload was shared, never seemed to work out for me though, I always did all the work. I too belive in making hay while the sun shines and it's been shining on me latley. Congrats on the 5 pints.
Thanks to both of you,
I would definitely can produce on the halves. It might be a little work (well actually a lot of work) but to me it's well worth it. I have a tiny garden plot and several flower boxes and I've been canning everything we don't eat. I mostly can in pints and half pints because there are just the two of us but they certainly look good sitting on the shelf. I still do water bath canning but just recently got a pressure canner.
Having never been entirely in charge of the canning process, (I did help my mom when I was a kid, but there was no pressure on me per se) I don't really know how hard it is to set everything up. (I do remember that it got really hot, though.) That said, I think canning for half is a great idea. You have a sure thing on hand, where with planting and growing you could have a problem with the seeds or the weather. Sounds like a win-win to me!
Jackie, good for you getting a pressure canner. We can everything that we can't eat right now. With prices going up daily it's only the smart thing to do.
Marie, I had never used a pressure canner before I got one. Easier than I thought, just follow the instructions that come with the canner and you'll do fine. I KNOW you can do it.
As always thanks for the input and the comments.
Chris the Can Man. hehe!!!
Hey Can Man, those beans look great. I bet the Uncle is glad he got his share done too. It sounds like you guys made a deal and stuck to it. As long as no one feels like they did more work, it's always worth it.
I've always canned and I think the extension people have done a good job in recent years scaring people with horror stories about food safety issues. The government really doesn't want people to be able to take care of themselves...
You are a "canning machine"!! I love it! I've been scared to death to even attempt know, blowing the roof off the house isn't one of my top ten things to try. You have inspired I'm going back onto your blog to read everything you've been up to. BTW: beautiful family you have there!!
Cath, I was a little scared of the canner at first but not now. There are a lot of safty features on them now. Glad you enjoy the blog, you make me blush a little. Thanks and please come back often.
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