It's hard to believe that I have sat at this computer and clicked 'New Post" 200 times. But you know these puters, they never lie. hehe!! post # 200 comes with an Award too, can you believe it.
Shiloh Farms has given this blog "The Lemonade Stand Award". A big thanks to
Shiloh Farms. She has a great blog and was given this award and was kind enough to pass it on to me as well. Once again
Shiloh Farms, Thank you !!
The Lemonade Stand Award

Seems there are a few rules to accepting this award. There so easy even I can do it.
The Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate 10 blogs that show gratitude or great attitude or both
3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post
4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5. Share the love and link this post to the person whom you received your award from
Told ya it was easy. So here are the blogs that I pass this award on to. Hard to pick only 10 but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
1. Amy Twelve Acres
2. Throwback at Trapper Creek
3. Self Sustained Living
4. Farm Dreams
5. A View from the Green Barn
6. Woody's Rocky Ridge
7. My Home among the Hills
8. Wretha's Adventures Living Off Grid
9. Melissa's Ramblings
10. Hallland 1896
This list could have gone on and on but, I can only choose 10. Be sure to check 'em out, you're gonna like what ya see, I just know it. Well, I guess I had better let them know the good news.
Once again, thanks Shiloh Farms, appreciated ya.
In other news, we made bread tonight. Sandwich bread that is. Got the recipe here. We eat a lot of bread, we make sandwiches all the time. At nearly $2.50 for a loaf of bread we thought it was well worth a try. Pretty easy so far, it's still in the oven. I'll try to post ya some pics tomorrow, it's getting late. Boy it sure smells go though. One thing to remember is, warm that milk so the yeast gets kinda frothy when mixed together and I should have melted the butter too. Just wanted to mention that in case you want to give this bread a try.