I'm gonna be helping out over at Kentucky Preppers Network a little. Sharing what little I can about preparedness and such. Their asking folks that live in this area to help out with the blog and I'm gonna do all I can to help. I encourage all of ya to check in with your states preppers network and try to lend a hand, I know they'll appreciate it. There's a lot of things to prep for if ya ask me, natural disasters, financial disasters ( I've got experience with that one big time,lol), civil unrest, food storage and many many more. I feel that we all need to answer the call for help for these prepper networks, it's just the "Christian thing to do" as Larry the Cable Guy would say. I'll still be posting here as always, maybe not quite so often at first so please bear with me. I'll keep ya informed of all the goin's on here on the farm and all that crazy other stuff ya'll seem to get a kick out of. I'll be gettin back at ya soon.
The sun’s out and the birds are singing
1 day ago
Great idea! You definitely have alot to offer over there! Just don't stay away from us for too long! I looked at the sight yesterday, but it didn't look like there was an IL group yet. I'll have to keep checking in, or check on your state. (I'll have to read the past post to remember what state you're in!) Gen
hey buddy...good on ya for helping out - you have a lot of knowledge to share! make sure to let us know here when you've posted on your preppers site!
your friend,
I was thinking about helping with the GA preppers network, but no one else seems to be doing it and I'm not sure I'm in any position to lead it up. I'm not that prepared yet and don't really know any resources in GA since we just moved here.
It is great that you are helping out and thanks for letting us know about the preppers site.
Gen, thanks, gonna do all I can to help. Il needs an admistrator I think, you up for it?? I know you have much to share. Think about it.
Kymber, Thank ya much, I'll keep ya posted. Thanks for the encouragment.
Christy, that's great that you want to help. None of us are as prepared as we would like to be. I'm sure you have a lot to good information to share. Many google preparedness info and copy and paste it just to get a start. I'll keep you up to speed on GA and let you know when I hear more.
Shiloh, thanks and I hope you will visit and participate in the preppers network in your state.
Thank you all for your interest.
Christy...i know that this is the Scavenger's blog (sorry Chris!)...but as an avid reader of your blog i think that you would do an exceptional job of leading up the GA Preppers Network! Girl - you have sooo got my vote!
your friend,
kymber (and i still vote Lotapoo!)
kymber, I second that motion.....all in favor say I, IIIIIIIIII.....I's have it. Motion passed.
Thanks Kymber...and Christy..You go girl..
buddy...i second your seconding...or however you say it?!?!?!
ya Christy - you go girl!
and Chris...thanks so much for all of your hard work in this endeavor...i am glad to call you friend!
it feels like a revolution eh?
your friend,
Kymber, thanks again. You really are a stalker. lol I'm not sure what you call this movement but it sure feels good.
Thank you my dear friend
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