Well, if you have read my last post you know that the only thing left to do on the milking stand was to attach the feeder. Got 'er done. Had time today to get ready to try to milk again tomorrow. The feeder is made of scrap 2x2's and the bucket is one I got for free from a bakery. Cool !! I built this thing with scrap wood and a free bucket, my only cost was for the nails!! Now that's my kinda project.
The feeder bucket can be removed for cleaning too !!
I am a lot of things but an experienced milker is not one of them. On my last attempt I was really afraid that I was hurting Daisy by not doing it just right. If I am unable to grasp the tit....oops...I mean teat (who ever came up with that word anyway) in the right place I could force milk back in to the sack causing her pain and discomfort. Well, I was lucky enough to be surfin around over at Spinner's blog and found this GREAT IDEA !! An Easy Goat Milker as Spinner calls it. It consists of a 20 mil. disposable syringe attached to a 1/4 inch tube and then to a sprayer from a spray bottle. Go here to see it in action. You all know how cheap I am so this was great for me. Another cheap and easy project. I didn't have the supplies that I needed here so me and Katie headed out to Tractor Supply where I found it all. The syringe -.99 cents, 10 ft. 1/4 tubing $1.79 and they charged my $1.50 for the sprayer (which I thought was high). Total for the supplies- $4.28 + tax. Not bad at all. The barrel of the syringe is placed over the goats tit....errr.....teat and then you pull the trigger on the sprayer. The suction brings the milk thru the tube and out the sprayer and into your pail. Spinner has great success with this and I hope I will too.
A big GIANT THANK YOU t0 Spinner for the idea.
Looks good! With that type of spray nozzle you will probably have to squeeze the syringe full of milk to prime it. Some spray nozzles just don't have enough suction.
Thanks Spinner for all your advice.
Nice milk stand. I need to find some spare wood somewhere.
Christy, thanks, it turned out pretty good. Check wit feed stores, they usually have pallets and most are glad to get rid of them. Good soure of free wood. Thanks for stopping by.
Now THAT is a brilliant concept. Simple, easy to make, cheap...and hopefully very user friendly!
Good luck!
Jim, user friendly is what I need. lol Thanks, I hope it all goes well tomorrow.
Here's several cyber pats on the back. I get high on hearing about a complete project and the only cost was the nails. Your milkstand appears to be very good quality.
Milking a goat is not difficult at all. With your hand around the teat, push up to to get milk in the teat, and then squeeze the milk out.
I'm not very experienced in milking so take this for what it's worth - Before I start milking I usually massage the udder somewhat, getting the doe to relax, and aiding the milk to "drop."
I don't see the syringe thing working because the goat milking process is not the same as cow milking.
Again on a goat, push up in the udder to fill the teat, then squeeze the fat teat.
Once the doe get used to having a goodie waiting at the milkstand, she'll willingly jump up there. If you have more than one doe to milk, always milk 'em in the same order.
Hey, the stand looks great! You are quite resourceful! That milker looks cool. I'll have to go to the link to understand exactly how it works. I'm so excited for tomorrow! (going to a hunter safety course w/hubby, so I'll check back in the pm to see if you're drinking goat milk!)
Joanna, thanks for the pat on the back. Makes me feel good all over. As for the syringe, if you follow the link to Spinners page you will see that it is working just fine on their goats. I hope I will see the same success. If not I will try to milk by hand again. I think the syringe will be much cleaner too.
Hey, Gen, thanks, I try to do what I can, where I am with what I've got. lol Worked out here on this project. Be sure to check out the link to Spinners post and see how the milker works, pretty cool. You and Hubby have fun at Hunters Saftey.
Thanks for the comments, always good to hear from friends.
Nice looking stand! I'm curious to see if that milker setup works, too.
That is a cool milker! I am like you and not an experienced milker. We just got a dairy goat yeaterday and the family we bought her from was getting a little over two quarts with the morning milking in about 5 minutes. I spent 1/2 and hoour with her this morning and got a little over a quart so I need a little extra help until I get the hang of it--I sure don't want her to get mastitis! Thanks for sharing this idea! I am making one today
Oh wow, that's genius! I'm wanting to start milking my goat, but I was hesitant to drop $50 on a hand pump milker I saw online. I could easily make this one with one trip to a local store!
Love your stand -- my husband's going to build one for us and he gets such satisfaction out of building something from free and recycled materials that I know he's going to love your design.
And thanks for the link to Spinner's milker! As a novice milker, I'm delighted to find an effective alternative to my clumsy hands!
Wondering-do you milk standard sized goats or dwarfs? We are thinking of trying to milk our ND goats but don't know what size syringe to use. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks! And seems like a great idea!
I love your milk stand! Dh actually found your page while looking for milk stands online and emailed it to me. He was building me one yesterday. It's nice to find another blog where your time and money is used wisely.
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